Year of the pig 2019

The year 2019 is the 12th year of the Chinese calendar symbolized with the pig. Many explanations are given for why the pig received this last place finish- the wolf destroyed his house and he was re-building, he overslept and then stopped to have lunch on his way to the selection committee.

Every 12 years if you are born under the zodiac sign of the pig you are not lazy as many may think. I see it as the need for more time to consider the situation. You are humourous, honest and understanding of others.

So I took in upon myself to sketch at the market here in Mexico at the butcher stalls. Pig, cow or goat heads hang side by side with individual parts of the carcasses. Unbelievable, I was completely out of my comfort zone as a landscape painter of harmonious colours and shapes.

Real food, here is part of the process to my table

Real Food, before they invented styrofoam packaging

Flowers everywhere in large buckets of water at the market in Cubasa tin pail