Dia de Los Muertos

In Mexico, they celebrate death by bringing sugar skulls, candied pumpkin seeds, pan de muertos, incense and marigold petals to the graveyard of loved ones. They laugh with death, accepting and celebrating the passing of a loved one from October 31, to November 2, yearly.

The Irish had a similar custom. During the intermittent time, between death and interment, the body lay in a casket at home. The men would drink and eat a little bit in the kitchen while the women mourned in the parlour. At my father’s funeral, the ritual of women folks cleansing and laying out the body in the parlour was finished. The funeral home was the place to mourn. There are still remnants from the era. Occasionally, you would hear them saying ‘ sorry for your trouble’ and ‘a wee wan’.  An elderly neighbour, Paddy Berrigan sat the whole evening at the wake to comfort us and pay his last respects. At home many macaroni casseroles arrived. All Souls’ Day on November 2 is a familiar part of Day of the Dead and so I chose the art of  William-Adolphe Bourguereau.

William Aldophe Bourguereau 1825-1905

William-Adolphe Bourguereau: All Souls’ Day,1859, musėe de Beaux-Art de Bordeaux, France

My offering, to this post are a few sketches completed at the beach this week for my friend Marcel Rochon.  Rest in peace, RIP 2014.

a drink on the terrace watercolour Venezia sketch book

Linda Denis, A drink on the terrace, watercolour in Venezia Book, 2014

jugo verde fish market mexico

Linda Denis, Jugo Verde, watercolour in Venezia Book, 2014

guayabitos mexico

Linda Denis, The Bay, watercolour in Venezia Book, 2014






Kouros Horse, Montréal

I love this sculpture of Barry Flanagan (1941-2009). He does not have the sophistication of  horse and cougar, found in the lobby of Montréal Museum of Fine Arts*. He is a horse with attitude: swayed back and scrawny but still looking for action. A horse able to withstand the “polar vortex”  we had this week in Montreal. You can drive or walk by this equine sculpture 7/24, no entrance fee, just there for our pleasure. * The sculpture has moved to the bronze section of MMFA.

The Kouros Horse ( bronze, 1986) is located on the corner of Stanley and Sherbrooke, 1130 Sherbrooke west.


Barry Flanagan, Kouros photo Pedro Ruiz

My neighbour was a Brit and horsey. She told me that Munnings, considered one of the best equestrian painters, would lie under the steeplechase jumps so he could best feel and see the action. You can crawl around this equine without danger of a kick or bite. Take a look at the monogram “f’ and number 2/6 on the left hind hoof. There are 6 editions and 2 artist casts.

Linda Denis, Kouros Horse, Chinese Ink on Yupo

Linda Denis, Kouros Horse, Chinese Ink on Yupo

In Montréal, there are other outdoor equine sculpture to view 24 hours a day. George W. Hill (1862-1934) born in Shipton, Québec sculpted the Boer War Memorial and unveiled it in the spring of 1907. It still stands today in Dorchester Square, bordered by René Lévesque, Peel, Metcalfe. The riderless horse with a soldier restraining from the ground is unusual as most equestrian memorial are mounted. If the horse is mounted and has all four feet on the ground, it means the rider died of natural causes, if one foot is in the air, the rider died subsequent to wounds received in battle and if two feet in the air, the rider died during battle.


George Hill, Boer war Memorial Dorchester Square Mtl


The  outdoor sculpture by  Fernando Botero, named The Volumptuous Man on Horse is located at the entrance to LHotel, 262 rue St. Jacques, Old Montreal. This rider is so privileged to be sitting on a calm horse that appears to requires no skills but good balance. Some would refer to him as a “hood ornament” similar to ones found on antique cars. It is ok to be vain when you are so beautiful.


Fernando Botero,Volumptous Man on horse, photo by Guevremont

Fernando Botero, Voluptuous Man on horse, photo by Guevremont

My Art

Drawing, painting, following art history lectures has always been a main stay in my life. It fills up the empty spaces in my mind with images, stories and keeps me on an even keel. At times there is the model in a studio to draw and paint but other times the expansive spaces of the outdoor are there to provide colour, incredible textures and design without a struggle from the artist’s brush.

Tidal Flats Kamouraska

Tidal Flats Kamouraska

kamouaska tide out

Tide Out, Kamouraska

30x30inches ,oil

Sutton Valley

model at Carole Segale studio, Montreal

Victorian Wedding Dress

Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller

pending wedding

Pending Wedding

Watercolour assignment to copy and adapted L'infanta , 2013

Parasol 42x24 oil 2005
